Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive a tracking number via email. Use this number on our website to track your order’s progress.
Items can be returned within 14 of delivery, provided they are in original condition. Some exclusions apply. Please refer to our Return Policy for more details.
Shipping times vary based on location and selected shipping method. Estimated delivery times are provided at checkout
Orders can be modified or canceled within 2 of placing the order. Please contact customer service immediately for assistance.
Yes, we ship internationally. Additional charges and extended delivery times apply.
We accept various payment methods including credit/debit cards, net banking, UPI, and digital wallets.
Please contact our customer service within 14 of receiving the product with details of the issue.
Shipping charges depend on the weight of the package and destination. Orders above a certain amount may qualify for free shipping.
After we receive and inspect your return, refunds will be processed to the original payment method or as store credit.
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